BDFL decision of Python's DVCS

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Wed Apr 1 21:12:27 BST 2009

Andrew Bennetts <andrew.bennetts at> writes:

> David Cournapeau wrote:
> [...]
>> mentioned by Matthieu, the bzr pages stating "bzr will be among the
>> fastest", when it is not as of today, that's really hurting, at least in
> I'm not sure we ever claimed that?

I quoted the wiki above in the thread:
Revision 120 as of 2007-01-25 16:00:21

"We expect 1.0 to release by March 2007 with performance equivalent to
the best in the field."

You can add this one:
"Comparing the average of the ratios above, Bazaar is 22% more
efficient than Mercurial and 15% more efficient than Git."

This one is still there, has been so for quite some time. Now, look at
how the benchmark was done (project without history to benchmark a
tool whose _point_ is to manipulate history). Look at another
independant benchmark like
then take your conclusions.


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