Q: help for bzr on windows?

Maritza Mendez martitzam at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 18:26:05 BST 2009

Follow through...  I uninstalled the TortoiseBzr Overlays (which were
installed automatically by the windows installer of bzr) but left bzr
installed.  and then installed TortoiseSVN.  This gave me icon overlays
after a reboot as expected.  But windows explorer is now so slow that I had
to uninstall the overlays again.  A shared repo for me team has about 12,000
files so it makes sense that the overlays could be slow.  Fortunately the
qbzr tools give us most of what we need already.


2009/3/26 Maritza Mendez <martitzam at gmail.com>

> I thought of that and saw that the tortoise overlays are installed
> according to windows add/remove programs.  Maybe I will install again.
> Thanks!
> -M
> 2009/3/26 Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net>
> Maritza Mendez пишет:
>>> Thank you for your help.  The qbzr plugins help.
>>> The tbzrcachew is not working for me.  I get no icon overlay.  I made
>>> sure tbzrcachew  was not running and then started it from a command line.
>>>  It produced no output on screen and no log file.  If I send it a bad option
>>> it does produce a log file.  If anyone has ideas I will try. But for now I
>>> am uninstalling because of how much tbzr slows windows explorer.
>> One of the possible reason you don't have icon overlays is lack of
>> TortoiseOverlays.msi package installed on your system.
>> I have to install it on my testing machine manually, although developers
>> of TortoiseBzr said this package should be installed by bzr installer
>> automatically.
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