BDFL decision of Python's DVCS

Talden talden at
Wed Apr 1 05:38:12 BST 2009

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Matthew D. Fuller
<fullermd at> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:25:24PM -0400 I heard the voice of
> Karl Fogel, and lo! it spake thus:
>> Barry Warsaw <barry at> writes:
>> >
>> > Actually, I think this would be a killer approach for bzr.
>> Really good point.
> An alternate POV would be that it would be a flat death knell for bzr
> adoption.
> "Why would we use bzr, when any nut who wants to use it can deal with
> whatever we choose anyway?"
> It may make it a neat _client_, but if you had a project with a
> hundred bzr developers and 5 git developers, and bzr could deal with
> git but git couldn't with bzr, which VCS would make sense to choose?
> Windows compatibility worked out well for OS/2 on the desktop, didn't
> it?

Agreed.  It's an excellent strength but Bazaar better offer more than
just that... Of course since neither git or hg track the renames or
track folders bazaar already has at least a couple of bells and
whistles - not compelling for many people though.


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