BDFL decision of Python's DVCS

Michael B. Trausch mike at
Tue Mar 31 18:35:37 BST 2009

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 13:28:49 -0400
"Michael B. Trausch" <mike at> wrote:

> All of that said, maybe Python decided not to use bzr, precisely
> because it is written in the very language that they are working on.
> A hellish day that would be if they broke Python enough that they
> wouldn't be able to interact with their VCS... Maybe the decision came
> down to "I have systems X and Y, but I really don't want to be
> depending on Python so much that if Python breaks, so does our VCS"
> and that would be why hg was picked.


Ignore me on that paragraph.  It appears that hg is also in Python.  I
wasn't previously aware of that until I did some more looking up on its

I'll hush now.

	--- Mike

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