BDFL decision of Python's DVCS

Karl Fogel karl.fogel at
Tue Mar 31 17:42:58 BST 2009

Lalo Martins <lalo.martins at> writes:
> Now, I'm not a Canonical employee, and neither are you.  But go around 
> the net looking for people evangelising, promoting, or even blogging 
> (positively) about bzr.  You'll find most of those work for Canonical, or 
> have worked at some time in the past.


I'm subscribed to a Google Alert for "bzr", and I see blog posts by
non-Canonical people touting Bazaar a few times a week.  Disclaimer: I'm
not subscribed to a similar alert for hg or git, so can't compare
frequency or content against those.  But it's definitely not just
Canonical people using Bzr.


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