BDFL decision of Python's DVCS

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Tue Mar 31 06:00:13 BST 2009

"Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at> writes:

> I don't know what Guido saw in his private mail and Twitter
> feedback, but what I saw on Python-Dev and as one of the PEP authors
> was […]
> ISTM that Bazaar development is about 3 months too late for the
> Python window. If Bazaar 1.14 (with its cumulative performance
> improvements) had been released by Christmas, and 1.12 (or at least
> 1.9) had made it into Debian Lenny (avoiding the unfortunate format
> bump on and allowing conservative Debian users the
> choice of using a less functional but drop-dead-easy-to-acquire
> version of bzr), the debate would have been very different.

Thanks very much for this, Stephen. Guido's announcement left me with
the impression that he'd got a bunch of misconceptions about Bazaar
and ended up going with whatever seemed popular at PyCon 2009. Your
message here at least offers a plausible explanation of a more
rational basis for the choice.

 \     “We should strive to do things in [Gandhi's] spirit… not to use |
  `\   violence in fighting for our cause, but by non-participation in |
_o__)                       what we believe is evil.” —Albert Einstein |
Ben Finney

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