[MERGE][#251008] lowercase the provided username in launchpad-login

Michael Hudson michael.hudson at canonical.com
Mon Mar 30 23:32:53 BST 2009

All Launchpad ids are lowercase, and nothing useful happens if you try
to set your launchpad-login to a string containing upper case characters:

mwh at grond:lowercase-lp-id$ bzr launchpad-login MwHudson
bzr: ERROR: https://launchpad.net/%7EMwHudson/%2Bsshkeys is permanently
redirected to https://launchpad.net/~mwhudson/+sshkeys

So this very simple patch simply lowercases any provided name.  No
tests, as there are no blackbox tests for launchpad-login (indeed, it's
hard to see how you could).

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