BDFL decision of Python's DVCS

Eduardo O. Padoan eduardo.padoan at
Mon Mar 30 22:51:23 BST 2009

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Ben Finney <ben+bazaar at> wrote:
> Howdy all,
> Guido has, in Message-ID:
> <ca471dc20903300758s47fc922bpacaa4a5fb10a1dac at>,
> announced the decision of which DVCS he has chosen for the development
> of Python:

I'm glad they made a decision, any decision, instead of getting
throught a lenghty, painful, passionate, time-and-energy sucking
debate like happened on GNOME. [Hey, at least it is not git ;)]
While I think that his choice wasn't completely unrasonable, I
obviously dont agree with must of his impressions about Bzr/Hg; Easier
to SVN users? I would like to know why.

> =====
> Dear Python developers,
> The decision is made! I've selected a DVCS to use for Python. We're
> switching to Mercurial (Hg).
> The implementation and schedule is still up in the air -- I am hoping
> that we can switch before the summer.
> It's hard to explain my reasons for choosing -- like most language
> decisions (especially the difficult ones) it's mostly a matter of gut
> feelings. One thing I know is that it's better to decide now than to
> spend another year discussing the pros and cons. All that could be
> said has been said, pretty much, and my mind is made up.
> To me, the advantages of using *some* DVCS are obvious. At PyCon,
> Brett already announced that Git was no longer being considered --
> while it has obviously many fans, it also provokes strong antipathies.
> So it was between Hg and Bzr (both of which happen to be implemented
> in Python FWIW). Based on a completely unscientific poll (basically
> whatever feedback I received in my personal inbox or on Twitter), Hg
> has a strong following among Python developers and few detractors,
> while few (except Canonical employees) seem to like Bzr. In addition,
> most timing experiments point towards Hg being faster than Bzr for
> most operations, and Hg is (again, subjectively) easier to learn for
> SVN users than Bzr.
> =====
> --
>  \     “Are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “I think so, Brain, but |
>  `\             then my name would be Thumby.” —_Pinky and The Brain_ |
> _o__)                                                                  |
> Ben Finney

    Eduardo de Oliveira Padoan

"Distrust those in whom the desire to punish is strong."
   -- Goethe, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky

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