[Question #10213]: How do I install on OSX

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Mar 30 18:33:52 BST 2009

Hi all Mac users!

Can anybody of you provide some instructions about how to install Qt/PyQt 4 on Mac
and how to get QBzr running, please?

All developers of QBzr team using either Linux or Windows. We lack Mac experts.

Please, help, because Mac installers have QBzr plugin inside but not have any Qt/PyQt libs.

Thank you.

Vlad Sanchez пишет:
> Question #10213 on QBzr changed:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/qbzr/+question/10213
> Vlad Sanchez requested for more information:
> I'm having the following issue on Mac OSX 10.5 Intel upon calling 'bzr
> qlog':
> bzr: ERROR: QBzr require at least PyQt 4.1 and Qt 4.2 to run. Please
> check your install
> I installed PyQT4 and QT4.5. I also did a: 'python configure.py > python
> setup.py build > python setup.py install'
> Anyone have this problem?
> Will appreciate your help.

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