Migrating CVS repositories to Bazaar
J. Bobby Lopez
jbl at jbldata.com
Mon Mar 30 09:55:30 BST 2009
I just tried fast-import again, and ran into an error:
#$ ls ../webpim-cvs-git.*
../webpim-cvs-git.blob ../webpim-cvs-git.dump
#$ cat ../webpim-cvs-git.* | bzr fast-import -
bzr: ERROR: Revision {(('upload.php-20090330090353-n02c3xbdi30ag2dp-3',
'jbl_jbl-20051128073119-vd26xmmpzz2ubqgm'),)} not present in
"<bzrlib.knit.KnitGraphIndex object at 0xb76d9bec>".
I converted the CVS repository to git format using the latest cvs2git, which
generated the .blob and .dump files you see above.
Is there something I'm doing wrong?
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 9:56 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at xemacs.org>wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel writes:
> > Would it be "fastimport" or "fastexport"?
> >
> > At least in my head, the thing converting *to* the stream format is a
> > "fastexport" command, and the thing converting *from* the stream format
> > is a "fastimport" command.
> But the *format* is fastimport. If you insist on an alias for when
> it's used as an export format, you probably should call it
> "slowexport" format (or the FTC will be after you for Truth in
> Advertising violations).
> Why not just make life simple and add an export command with a
> --format option, where --format=fastimport is the default?
> In the case of git, just naming the relevant script "git-export" will
> DTRT....
J. Bobby Lopez
Web: http://jbldata.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jbobbylopez
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