brisbane: initial cut at a mergeline cache

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Mon Mar 30 04:46:54 BST 2009

Ian Clatworthy wrote:

So the key thing I forgot to mention is that this makes *all*
operations on a non-mainline revision faster, not just log.
For example:

* bzr log -rx.y.z  drops from 6.03s to 0.75s
* bzr st -rx.y.z   drops from 5.87s to 1.68s
* bzr diff -rx.y.z drops from 6.49s to 2.09s

And that's just - really large projects like Emacs & OOo
will see *much* larger reductions.

> 2. The size of the mergeline-store file for bzr is 211K, about
>    the same as dirstate.

Compressing this (zlib) drops the size down to 76K. The reduction
is important because, unlike dirstate, we might need to write this
over a network. Time to write the file from Brisbane (the location)
to London is ~ 5secs for me, out of a total of 2m4s for

  bzr log -rx.y.z s

With the mergeline-store saved, the time improves to 1m15s. Nice.

> 3. Updating a cache in the middle of a 'read' operation causes
>    grief I don't know how to fix. How does one go about promoting
>    a read-lock to a write-lock in bzrlib?

I've worked around this in the latest patch by updated the cache
on disk after the read transaction completes. I'm less than happy
with what that implies: an extra flush() method on branch() that
commands in needs to remember to call after b.unlock().
If there's a way of making unlock() do this magic implicitly,
I'd be much happier. Certainly *I* couldn't make it work thanks to
our decorators that put each of my attempts into endless
recursive loops. :-(


Ian C.
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