[MERGE] 1.14 formats
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at ukr.net
Sat Mar 28 08:16:09 GMT 2009
Ian Clatworthy пишет:
> Lack of EOL conversion support is blocking adoption of
> Bazaar in some key projects we're keen to see move across.
> There are two essential pieces needed to remove this blocker:
> 1. Integrated eol conversion support
> 2. A production-quality format supporting content filtering.
> A patch for the first of these was put up for review last night.
> This patch delivers the second. Some other patches (e.g. custom rules)
> would be nice as well, though they aren't strictly needed like
> (1) and (2) are.
But custom rules are really needed. Many existing bzr users potentially has
very hairy branches with CRLF mix, so global rules simply cannot be used at all.
> For the record, 1.14 = 1.9 + "I support content filtering/views" flags.
> Having written the end-to-end tests for EOL handling last night,
> I'm now confident that the *format* is production strength and
> that only minors bugs, if any, exist in the new features enabled
> by those flags.
> Of course, we could delay usage of these features until 2.0 instead of
> adding a production format now. I feel that we're better to get them
> out there, get user feedback and tweak them if required in 2.0.
> As well as allowing projects to switch now (instead of 3 months time
> say), this approach will give us a better 2.0 IMO.
I don't think waiting to 2.0 is good idea. Waiting for custom rules -- yes,
make sense for me.
> BTW, we're still stuck with both 1.14 and 1.14-rich-root for now.
> That duality is removed in the pending chk format being developed in
> "brisbane-core" so it will be gone in 2.0 (but can't go yet).
Format zoo is really bad situation.
BTW, looking at Jelmer aliases for rich-roots, can bzr provides aliases for latest
known formats? So people won't need to remember either they should use --1.9 or --1.14
> Ian C.
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