Push in Bazaar 1.13 is MUCH faster!

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at canonical.com
Thu Mar 26 22:40:41 GMT 2009

Eugene Wee wrote:
>    Hi,
>      I would just like to say how happy I am with the HUGE speed increases
>      when
>      pushing revisions to a remote location using the smart server with 1.13
>      server
>      and client. It now finishes in a few seconds instead of potentially
>      minutes.
>      Whoever was responsible for this change deserves a lot of credit ;-)
>    According to the release notes:
>    "bzr push to a bzr url (bzr://, bzr+ssh:// etc) will stream if the server
>    is version 1.13 or greater, reducing roundtrips significantly. (Andrew
>    Bennetts, Robert Collins)"
>    :)

Yep, that's right.  You're welcome! :)


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