Help with bzr-svn

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Tue Mar 24 21:07:29 GMT 2009

Brian de Alwis пишет:
> On 24-Mar-2009, at 2:35 PM, Talden wrote:
>> I'll re-examine history (and verify it with a dump of that part of the
>> repo) to ensure that's definitely the case.  I don't see any evidence
>> that this is a case of backslashes embedded in a name.
> Your error message showed:
>> C:\foo> bzr.exe branch svn://server/repo/dev/projectX/newtrunk
>> Initialising Subversion metadata cache in ...
>> bzr: ERROR: Unable to convert Subversion path
>> lib/eclipse\eclipse\eclipse-3.4.0 because it contains characters
>> invalid in Bazaar.
> The fourth line has a mixture of / and \.

It seems like bzr-svn fault: it should not use os.path.join, but osutils.pathjoin itself.
I suspect this is the case for this error.

> This error report looks very similar to what I remember encountering
> when importing the  NetBSD repository with bzr-svn without my hacks; I'm
> reproducing it as we speak and will report on it once complete.

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