Sanitizing a branch (I got a result)

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Mon Mar 23 00:36:13 GMT 2009

Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> Ian Clatworthy wrote:
>> So I think the existing -x option on fast-import-filter would
>> have been sufficient.
> Well I have another project which I also need to sanitize.
> Does that mean I would do the following?
>     mkdir new-branch
>     cd new-branch
>     bzr fast-export /path/to/old/branch | \
>         bzr fast-import-filter -x file1 -x file2 -
> Erik

Yes. That will produce a stream that you then need to feed
into fast-import.

If it were me, I'd save the original fast-export stream to
a file and diff the output from fast-import-filter to confirm
the filtering worked as expected, but that's just me.

Ian C.

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