TortoiseBzr broken in 1.13-1 installer?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Sat Mar 21 20:44:18 GMT 2009

Mark Hammond пишет:
> On 18/03/2009 4:37 AM, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> I've tried to install from recent 1.13-1 installer.
>> Select typical installation (with TBZR).
>> After installation I've rebooted the machine but TBZR icon overlays
>> does not work.
>> When I've tried to run tbzrcachew.exe manually I've got following
>> error message (translated from Russian):
>> Entry point to procedure CreateURLMonikerEx does not found in DLL
>> urlmon.dll
>> I've tried to install on Windows 2000 machine.
> Ouch - this appears to be a regression in pywin32 with early IE versions
> installed.  MS documents this function as:
> | Minimum availability Internet Explorer 5.5
> | Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0
> So it seems strange it can't be loaded for you.

I've discovered that I had semi-broken IE installation on that machine.
Reinstalled IE6 did fix the problem.

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