Can't make keywords work
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Fri Mar 20 22:40:11 GMT 2009
Hash: SHA1
Neil Martinsen-Burrell wrote:
> I wanted to try out the content filtering stuff using the keywords plugin,
> but I don't seem to be able to make it work using the instructions in the
> current documentation. Here's what I tried:
> nmb at guttle[~]$ cd /tmp
> nmb at guttle[/tmp]$ rm -r test
> nmb at guttle[/tmp]$ bzr version |grep revision
> revision: 4175
> nmb at guttle[/tmp]$ bzr plugins |grep -i keywords
> keywords
> Keywords
> # got the necessary equipment
> nmb at guttle[/tmp]$ bzr init --development-wt5 test
> Created a standalone tree (format: development-wt5)
> nmb at guttle[/tmp]$ cd test
> # turn on keywords
> nmb at guttle[/tmp/test]$ echo '[name *.txt]
> keywords=on' >.bzrrules
> nmb at guttle[/tmp/test]$ rm ~/.bazaar/rules
> nmb at guttle[/tmp/test]$ echo '$Date$ $Author$' > test.txt
> nmb at guttle[/tmp/test]$ bzr add test.txt .bzrrules
> bzr: ERROR: Specified file "test.txt" is outside the current view:
> # what the heck, I didn't say anything about views!
> nmb at guttle[/tmp/test]$ bzr view --switch off
> bzr: ERROR: No current view to disable
> # yeah, tell me about it
> nmb at guttle[/tmp/test]$ bzr view --name arrgh .bzrrules test.txt
> Using 'arrgh' view: .bzrrules, test.txt
> # this doesn't seem right
^- This is a known bug with filtered views and 'add', which Ian just
submitted a patch for.
The actual fix is pretty small.
> nmb at guttle[/tmp/test]$ bzr add test.txt .bzrrules
> adding test.txt
> adding .bzrrules
> nmb at guttle[/tmp/test]$ bzr ci -m 'initial commit'
> ignoring files outside view: .bzrrules, test.txt
> Committing to: /private/tmp/test/
> added .bzrrules
> added test.txt
> Committed revision 1.
> # Lets see those keywords
^- something weird here, given that .bzrrules is in the view, but then
it claims it isn't... Probably worth reporting on its own right.
> That's about all the fighting I'm willing to do to try out a new feature.
> Problems I noticed above:
> 1) Views get in the way when they have never been asked for. That is
> completely bogus and to get them out of the way, one has to define a view
> for every file one wants to use.
Fix Committed, just not merged yet. Basically, this failure generated a
lot of discussion about how view should actually be implemented, which
delayed the landing of an actual patch.
> 2) Keyword expansion apparently never happens. There are no errors in
> ~/.bzr.log related to keywords::
This.... I don't know anything about yet.
> 3) ``bzr help keywords`` says I can set rules in .bzrrules.
> ``bzr help rules`` says I have to set them in ~/.bazaar/rules.
> Who's right? Neither apparently.
> Hopefully the experience with this can be easily improved.
> -Neil
> (an EARLY adopter)
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