releasing documentation: make check-dist-tarball and plugins

Bob Tanner tanner at
Fri Mar 20 17:19:08 GMT 2009

When making a release should plugins be disabled?

The plugin issue is not noted in the releasing documentation.

Is a bug in bzrtools, detected when I was doing make check-dist-tarball

Should any plugins be active during a release build and test?

If the plugins should be deactive, just mv the plugin directory out of  
the way or is there a command line switch to deactivate them?

IF some plugins should be part of the build/test of a release:

Like my todo on tracking down the list of python projects needed to  
build and test, I would like to make a list of bzr plugins that are  
needed (if any) to build and test.


Bob Tanner <tanner at>                 | Phone : 952-943-8700, Linux, OSX, VMware | Fax      : 952-943-8500
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