Content filtering has landed in

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at
Fri Mar 20 08:25:01 GMT 2009

Hi Ian,

This sounds like a really useful feature! I was reading the help and it said 
that it uses the modification time of files to detect changes. Would it not also 
make sense to cache the size of the file too? If the size or modification time 
changes then the file is considered changed. This would be more robust than 
just checking the modification time.

Apologies if that is what you do already...



On Friday 20 March 2009 09:04:42 Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> At long last, "content filtering" has landed in!
> This feature is the basis for our EOL handling and keyword
> expansion support. I'm sure it will find many more uses
> as well.
> I'd *greatly* appreciate it if users interested in these
> features could find some time to assist with testing and
> stabilising them. To do this, try downloading the bzr-eol
> and bzr-keywords plugins, & giving them a go:
> *
> *
> Note that I haven't touched these plugins for months so
> they may need some minor tweaks to get them going. If
> that's the case, please raise a bug and I'll take a look
> as soon as I get a chance.
> In particular, I'd like some assistance in expanding the
> test suite for the bzr-eol plugin. As soon as this is
> mature enough and making enough people happy, I think we
> ought to make it a standard plugin so EOL support is
> provided out-of-the-box.
> If you're keen, please also try writing your own content
> filter, e.g. for stripping trailing whitespace or some
> other interesting application.
> Finally, a big thanks to Alexander for getting the EOL
> ball rolling many months ago. I'm sure he'll be smiling as
> much as I am when the remaining pieces of the EOL puzzle
> fall into place in coming weeks!
> Ian C.

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