new wiki theme?

Karl Fogel karl.fogel at
Fri Mar 20 06:56:10 GMT 2009

Robert Collins <robert.collins at> writes:
> Has the wiki theme been changed recently? Just spent a few minutes
> trying to find the 'edit' facility... needed to get a pointer from
> someone else in fact that the Ubuntu Help wiki has moved all this from
> the side to the very bottom, to find it myself.

Yeah -- Martin and I asked Matthew Nuzum of Canonical to change the
template to make the site more reader-friendly.  The other change was
that he got rid of the globes on external links.

(Rationale: A wiki is always a compromise between active readers and
passive ones, but as Bazaar gets more popular, we should be expecting
more passive visitors to the site, for whom having wiki controls up near
the top can be confusing or at least distracting.)

Sorry it took you a few minutes to find the edit link, though!

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