[MERGE] fix add in view-aware trees

Robert Collins robert.collins at canonical.com
Thu Mar 19 01:48:26 GMT 2009

On Thu, 2009-03-19 at 10:38 +1000, Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> > Perhaps views should deal in fileids? That way they would not need
> > reconfiguring on 'mv' operations, nor suffer friction at the API
> layers.
> Maybe they will at a much later date. It was seriously considered
> during
> the design, but it introduces as many complications as it solves from
> memory.
> For example, I'd lie to support pattern-based views, e.g. all html
> files, and
> file-ids don't lend themselves to that. I want renaming a file into or
> out of a pattern to take it in/out of the view, so tracking mv
> operations
> and keeping the file-id in the view is the wrong thing to do in that
> case.

Oh, the behaviour you describe would surprise me (and seems to raise a
number of interesting issues with commit and diff).

Anyhoo, thats for a different thread.

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