Failing tests merging to brisbane-core

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at
Tue Mar 17 23:27:06 GMT 2009

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> So converting to GC format repos really needs to batch by some amount so
> that autopack can resolve the overly-expanded texts. Not to mention it
> is *really* nice to be able to stop a conversion and start it again (the
> standard fetch code is always all-or-nothing).

Fair enough.

(I think it would be possible to arrange for batching when dealing with
streams too, but obviously we don't have that yet.)

> So if you prefer, we can add a "isinstance(..., RemoteRepository)"
> rather than the rich-root flags. But I really *do* want to keep
> InterDifferingSerializer and have it support upcasting to rich-root
> data. (All the gcchk formats are going to be rich-root as well as
> 'subtree'.)

I would prefer there to be no isinstance(..., RemoteRepository) checks if
possible.  I just removed those! :)

If you want InterDifferingSerializer to work, then make it not assume a
KnitRepository.  i.e. I think you want an InterRepo that isn't a subclass of
InterKnitRepo to do this conversion.  I'm not sure if that should be
InterDifferingSerializer or something new.


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