bzr 1.13 release manager wanted

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue Mar 17 00:08:26 GMT 2009

2009/3/14 Matt Nordhoff <mnordhoff at>:
> Bob Tanner wrote:
>> Asked via irc, should the release candidates be in PPA?
>> I do not know the answer to that question.
> If you didn't already get an answer...
> It seems that release candidates are put in ~bzr-beta-ppa's PPA:
> <>
> 1.13rc1 already found its way in there.

It is described in
though we can change that if it's insufficiently clear or prominent.
Basically the betas should go in the beta ppa, and the release
versions should go there and also in the main ppa.

I don't know if Bob or someone else did the beta upload, but if that
person could also upload the final that would be nice.

Martin <>

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