Sanitizing a branch

Erik de Castro Lopo erikd+bzr at
Sun Mar 15 23:45:46 GMT 2009

Hi all,

I have a problem that is related to this one:

I have a project that was imported into Bzr from GNU Arch many years
ago and has history dating back to early 2004. During the time I've
hacked on this I have added all sorts of cruft including tests files
scraps of documentation etc.

I'd now like to make a public branch of this repo with the public
branch having none of the cruft but keeping the cruft in my 
private branch and still have the ability to merge between the
two relatively painlessly.

Is this possible? Any clues on how to do it?

Erik de Castro Lopo
"We respect the right of everyone to believe whatever they like. ....
But there are two important limits to religious tolerance. First, I have no
right to legal protection against your scepticism, criticism or ridicule.
Religion is too powerful a force, and is too often a cause of injustice or
evil, for it to be immune from discussion and debate."
-- David Pannick QC

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