filtering bzr status by state

Eric Siegerman lists08-bzr at
Sat Mar 14 15:49:19 GMT 2009

On Sat, 2009-03-14 at 01:23 +0100, Viktor Nagy wrote:
> I don't know what did my coauthor, but seemingly all the files
> we were working on have changed their execute bit + there are
> 2-3 files that thave changed substantially.

I've had that execute-bit problem more than once on Windows
(Eclipse for development, bzr under Cygwin, random other tools in
the loop).  I have no idea what caused it.

> After merging from his branch, if I understand it well, his
> changes are still uncommiited (pending) in my branch.


> Is there a way to revert all the "kind changed" files
> easily?

Just chmod the working files back to how they were in the latest
revision.  (Toggling the execute bits will probably do the trick;
if not, you can make a temporary branch to learn what mode bzr
thinks the files should have.)

> Without knowing what my coauthor did (probably he is
> using Windows, but I'm not sure), could you give us a
> recommendation what to avoid / do in these cases?

Don't be too hard on him :-)  If he is in fact using Windows,
it's probably "just one of those things".  Recovering from it
is easy enough...

  - Eric

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