AW: Failed selftest 1.13rc1

Müller-Reineke, Matthias matthias.mueller-reineke at
Fri Mar 13 12:15:58 GMT 2009

Matt Nordhoff wrote:
> ISTM the test
> suite is failing to find the "bzr" program, and I don't know why that
> would happen. There must be something wrong with your install.

I ran the first selftes with a relative path "./bin/bzr" to the executable. That seems to be the reason for the failures.

Taking an absolute path to the executable

~/downgeloaded/bzr-1.13rc1_installation/bin/bzr selftest --no-plugins|tee selftest-absolute_path_to_bzr-no-plugins

yields a better result:

"FAILED (failures=1, known_failure_count=27)"
(full output is attached)

Matthias Müller-Reineke

Grundeigentümer-Versicherung VVaG
Große Bäckerstraße 7
20095 Hamburg
Tel: 040 - 3 76 63 - 199
Fax: 040 - 3 76 63 - 98 199
<mailto:matthias.mueller-reineke at>

Firmensitz: Hamburg HRB 13 103
Vorstand: Heinz Walter Berens (Vors.), Rüdiger Buyten
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Peter Landmann
-------------- next part --------------
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Name: selftest-absolute_path_to_bzr-no-plugins
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 5825 bytes
Desc: selftest-absolute_path_to_bzr-no-plugins
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