Some benchmark results from brisbane-core

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Thu Mar 12 22:16:57 GMT 2009

Last night, I converted the first 10K revisions of Python 3.0 to
various formats we're evaluating in the brisbane-core branch.
I used the latest committed version of brisbane-core and groupcompress
and built the C extensions for both. I also used the latest
fastimport and usertest plugins. The only tweak was John's
proposed change to to copy inventory entries less often,
i.e. labels are included in the groupcompress data and zlib is used,
not lzma.

Here are the fast-import times:

Import times:
  btree           24m 34s
  gcchk16         5m 42s
  gcchk255        5m 58s
  gcchk255big     5m 51s
  gcnrr           23m 41s
  rich-root       28m 8s

Hooray - 4 times quicker!

Attached are the results of running the log benchmark. Here are
the highlights of gcchk255big ("the one most likely") vs 1.9:

* Disk space (including working tree) reduced from 64.6MB to 53.1MB.
  The .bzr directory itself shrank from 42.3MB to 25.5MB.

* log -v time reduced from 1133s to 44s.

In summary though, we still have some tuning to do as the btree
format is still faster at many of the operations over small
data sets.

I'm also not 100% confident about whether fast-import is doing
the right thing in all cases. In particular, I'm surprised to
see gcnrr taking the least amount of space. (Robert and John have
been assisting me in making fast-import build the right per-file
graphs in the last 2 days but I'm still validating the results.)

Even so, it's very clear that import times, disk space and log -v
will all be dramatically better under whatever new format we
go with.

Ian C.
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