bzr-svn 0.4 to 0.5 upgrade, migrating local bzr branches ("diverged")

Colin D Bennett colin at
Thu Mar 12 16:59:52 GMT 2009

I want to upgrade from bzr-svn 0.4 to bzr-svn 0.5 for my work on a
project which uses Subversion for its upstream repository.  I have a
local Bazaar repository that mirrors the upstream SVN trunk, and I
have many of my own local feature branches (bzr branches), including a
Loom branch as well as many plain bzr branches.

Here is what I tried, and failed.  I ended up restoring from my backup
of the repository and reverting back to bzr-svn 0.4 (thank goodness I
made a backup or I would be screwed).

Step 1:  I upgraded bzr-svn to 0.5.  Then I tried to 'bzr pull' my
mirrored trunk from the central SVN trunk.  This said the branches were

Step 2:  I ran across a web page that mentioned the 'svn-upgrade'
command, so I installed the rebase plugin and ran 'bzr svn-upgrade' in
my trunk branch.  This was surprisingly fast (less than 5 seconds, I
would say), but then I could run 'bzr pull' after that and it worked

*But*, then I tried to merge 'trunk' into a local Bazaar branch that
derived from trunk, and it said they had no common ancestor.  What to

Is there a way to somehow 'rebase' my Bazaar branches from the upgraded
trunk without losing my branch relationships and merge revision
history, etc.?


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