how to get bazaar log rid of minor "sandbox" commits?

Rahul Nabar rpnabar at
Wed Mar 11 23:32:26 GMT 2009

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Neil Martinsen-Burrell
<nmb at> wrote:
> Rewriting history to show only certain changes is "rebasing".  You want the
> bzr-rebase plugin:  I'm not an expert on its
> use as I don't use it myself (who do I have to hide from?).

Less to hide and more to make the history "cleaner" so that people can
not be distracted by commits that do not matter any more.

> Another option
> would be to make the changes on a branch, then when you merge them to the
> mainline, you can look at a log without those merged revisions using ``bzr log
> -n1`` or ``bzr log --short``.

branching does not work so well for me (I think) since bazaar
branches at the repo level. I am keeping 200 odd files in a single
repo located at ~/ But I often wish I could branch at file level but
the last I checked this was not a possibility. Or is there a way?


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