Automate push after commit?

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at
Wed Mar 11 08:33:31 GMT 2009

> Technical the sequence is:
> lock both branches
> create new commit object in the local repo
> push the new commit to the remote repo
> update the remote branch tip
> update the local branch tip
> unlock

Thanks - that makes sense. I guess the locking of both branches takes some 
time too when one branch is remote. Commit and push would avoid this when you 
know you are the only person working on the remote branch (as the branches 
will not have diverged).

I think commit and push is a good idea though. Even when you have a bound 
branch you may want this - for example to push the commit to a backup 
location. Also, when using Eclipse I would like that the commit dialog is gone 
as soon as the commit completes locally and then the data is uploaded in the 
background while I continue to work.

It's not even a new concept for the user to learn as they already know commit 
and push commands.


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