bzr+ssh using persistent SSH connections?

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at
Tue Mar 10 23:51:20 GMT 2009

Daniel Clemente wrote:
> El dl, mar 09 2009, Nicholas Allen va escriure:
> > Then Bazaar will reuse the authentication (and hence not need password) while 
> > you have not exited the master session.
> >
>   I think this can help much in plugins like multi-pull, since currently it
>   opens a new connection for each branch and asks you the password one time
>   per branch even if they are in the same server.

That's odd.  Bzrtools' multi-pull implementation does try to reuse connections,
and has done since late 2007:


>   However, I don't know how this could be switched on automatically, or
>   whether this behaviour can be included in Bazaar's core to handle this and
>   other situations where you must connect more than one time to a server.

In general, code in bzrlib and plugins should be using the possible_transports
feature of bzrlib's APIs, just as bzrtools does.  If you find a case where a
connection isn't being reused, please file a bug on bzr and/or the relevant


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