bzr 1.13 release manager wanted

Bob Tanner tanner at
Tue Mar 10 19:24:00 GMT 2009

On 2009-02-17 21:47:12 -0600, Bob Tanner <tanner at> said:

> I will volunteer.
> I read

Trying to understand the release process more.

james_w from irc pushed the 1.13rc1 into PQM, I understand I cannot do 
that because PQM does not know my key. What I would like to know, so I 
can add the details to the Releaseing document.

- How does one get their key into PQM? Couple emails with mbp tells me 
it's a manual process. Correct?
- How does one push releases to PQM? Step 8 of the Releasing document 
say 'bzr push', but if this is your first time you need a place to push 
it too.
- When a release is pushed to PQM, do you get a notification? via 
email? Step 9 says when PQM succeeds pull down the master release 
branch. I'd like to know when it succeeds and how I'll know.


Bob Tanner <tanner at>                  | Phone : (952 943-8700, Linux, OSX, VMware | Fax   : (952)943-8500
Key fingerprint = F785 DDFC CF94 7CE8 AA87 3A9D 3895 26F1 0DDB E378

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