Automate push after commit?

Robert Collins robert.collins at
Tue Mar 10 13:08:06 GMT 2009

On Tue, 2009-03-10 at 12:53 +0100, Nicholas Allen wrote:
> Hi,
> I think it would be useful if there was a way to automate a push after a 
> commit (if a push location has been specified for a branch). I know a similar 
> thing can be achieved with a bound branch but when the bound location is 
> remote a commit can take 10-20 seconds and this is seriously annoying. If I 
> commit locally the commit is a fast operation but I don't get the benefit of a 
> remote backup and notifying my peers of my changes. I can always push manually 
> but it would be nice if there was an automated way to do this.
> The advantage of commit and then pushing is that the commit completes faster 
> and I can continue working on the working copy while the push is in progress. 
> At least it is my understanding that I should not modify working copy files 
> while committing so committing and pushing avoids this problem.
> Another option would be for Bazaar to make a quick copy of the files that have 
> to be committed prior to a commit and use these files for committing instead of 
> the ones in the working tree so the user can modify them while a commit is in 
> progress.
> Thoughts?

Well, once bzr commit starts 'uploading to master branch', it is safe to
edit files locally too.

However, please try bzr 1.13rc1, with a bzr 1.13rc1 server; I would
expect it to be a lot faster at bound branch commits.

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