Test blackbox.test_filesystem_cicp.TestAdd is failing

Lukas Zapletal lukas91 at zapletalovi.com
Tue Mar 10 10:54:48 GMT 2009


I am trying to do whole selftest of bzr.dev on my laptop but some tests 
are failing. For example the %TOPIC% or other tests (problem with GC: %r 
was gc'd while locked). And there are other failed tests: 45+ err, 21+ 
fail, 3+ missing (I have stopped).

I am running on Win32. Info:

Bazaar (bzr) 1.13dev
   from bzr checkout C:/OpenSource/bazaar/bzr.lzap < its clear branch
     revision: 4098
     revid: pqm at pqm.ubuntu.com-20090309084556-9i2m12qlud2qcrtw
     branch nick: bzr.dev
   Python interpreter: C:\Python25\python.exe 2.5.2
   Python standard library: C:\Python25\lib
   bzrlib: C:\OpenSource\bazaar\bzr.lzap\bzrlib
   Bazaar configuration: C:\Documents and Settings\lzapletal\Application 
   Bazaar log file: C:\Documents and Settings\lzapletal\My 

My question: is it ok? Sorry I am new to here...

By the way 16000+ tests - its amazing work!

Truncated log of failed tests (only first few):

FAIL: blackbox.test_filesystem_cicp.TestAdd.test_add_implied
     not equal:
a = 'adding CamelCaseParent\nadding CamelCaseParent/CamelCase\n'
b = 'added CamelCaseParent\nadded CamelCaseParent/CamelCase\n'

FAIL: blackbox.test_filesystem_cicp.TestAdd.test_add_simple
     not equal:
a = 'adding CamelCase\n'
b = 'added CamelCase\n'

FAIL: blackbox.test_filesystem_cicp.TestAdd.test_add_subdir
     not equal:
a = 'adding CamelCaseParent\nadding CamelCaseParent/CamelCase\n'
b = 'added CamelCaseParent\nadded CamelCaseParent/CamelCase\n'

FAIL: blackbox.test_filesystem_cicp.TestAdd.test_re_add
     not equal:
a = 'adding MixedCase\n'
b = 'added MixedCase\n'

FAIL: blackbox.test_filesystem_cicp.TestAdd.test_re_add_dir
     not equal:
a = 'adding MixedCaseParent\nadding MixedCaseParent/MixedCase\n'
b = 'added MixedCaseParent\nadded MixedCaseParent/MixedCase\n'

Lukáš Zapletal

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