bzr+ssh using persistent SSH connections?

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue Mar 10 01:10:58 GMT 2009

2009/3/9 Nicholas Allen <nick.allen at>:
> Aha I worked it out! Actually this is even easier than using ssh-agent to
> prevent password and also speeds up authentication. All you need is this in
> ~/.ssh/config:
> Host *
>   ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p
> and then ssh to the machine with -M option and keep that ssh session open:
> ssh -M user at
> Then Bazaar will reuse the authentication (and hence not need password) while
> you have not exited the master session.
> I guess this should go on the wiki somewhere...

Actually I think this would be good to add into the user guide
somewhere.  Even though it's not strictly about bzr, it is going to be
commonly useful.  Could you find an appropriate place and add it?

Martin <>

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