some pqm and bzr setup questions?
Robert Collins
robert.collins at
Tue Mar 10 00:12:46 GMT 2009
On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 15:22 -0400, Fanelli, Paul wrote:
> Hello, Bazaar team,
> I have some questions about setting up bzr with pqm.
> Question 1: Is this bzr/pqm layout correct for an automated
> gatekeeper workflow against a subversion repository?
Possibly; I'm not aware of any previous deployments using bzr-svn in
pqm. You are in new territory here, but in principle it should work :).
> When the bug-fix or feature is complete, the developer submits the
> work unit to pqm (I am using the bzr-pqm plugin). Pqm is running
> under a user called autotest. We have our svn repository
> authenticating against NIS and autotest is in NIS and svn is setup to
> allow autotest to commit/write access (I wanted to create a new user
> called ‘pqm’ but I don’t have permissions to add a new user and get it
> added to NIS and modify the svn permissions to allow pqm write access,
> etc). When I issue, ‘bzr pqm-submit –m “pqm submit test”, the
> gpg-signed email gets delivered to the autotest user. I have
> a .forward file that kicks off procmail and I have a procmail recipe
> that processes the email as stdin as such:
> :0:
> | `/users/autotest/bzr-projects/pqm/bin/pqm -v -d --report --read`
generally I use 'pqm --read'
-v and -d will cause a lot of noise to be output to your procmail log.
--report is pointless with --read.
> This procmail recipe ends up creating a new patch.XXXX file in the
> ~/pqm-queue directory.
> Now I manually run the following (I haven’t put this on a cron job
> yet, running it manually now for testing):
> pqm -v -d --report --run
Here I generally 'pqm --run --cron' (I realise you're not in cron yet).
PQM is intended to be headless, I honestly have no idea whats output
with -v, -d and --report these days.
> (Question 2: Why am I getting this error?)
> When I run the above pqm command issue, I am getting this error
> message from pqm (in a patch.XXX file in pcm-queue/logs):
> ‘Sender not authorized to commit to branch
> file:///users/autotest/bzr-testrepo/automation’
If that url is correct (thats the branch you want the user patch to be
committed to), then your configuration is incorrect; if the url is
wrong, then either the url mapping rules, or the users pqm-submit setup,
is wrong.
> So I think I have something mis-configured in my .pqm.conf file. Here
> is my .pqm.conf file (located under the autotest’s home directory):
> /users/autotest/.pqm.conf
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # send notification on success and failure. normally not set.
> mail_reply=0
You should set this if you want your users to get mailed replies; I'll
change the comment in pqm shortly - it really should be set for most
> verify_sigs=1
> #define groups
> #groups=staff
> #[staff]
> members=pfanelli at
^ This config item will be ignored. You either need
members=email1, email2, ...
or you have no groups and everyone in the pqm keyring can commit to any
configured branch (unless the branch has a specific committers list).
> # This section enables merges into this branch.
> [/users/autotest/bzr-testrepo/automation]
> ...
> #commiters=staff
> commiters=pfanelli at
This won't work. committers is a group list, not an individual list.
I suspect that this is the cause of your error.
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