Google Summer of Code 2009

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Mon Mar 9 10:42:47 GMT 2009

Eugene Wee wrote:

> Are there any plans for Bazaar to be involved in this year's Google
> Summer of Code? I recall that Bazaar did participate previously, e.g.,
> TortoiseBZR was worked on in one such project.

Yes. I'll be co-ordinating our GSoC involvement this year. We're also
happy to sponsor community folk with bounties for projects that don't
fall within the GSoC criteria, e.g. non-students or students in the
southern hemisphere. Please contact me directly if you fall into the
latter group.

If you're interested in being involved in GSoC, please update the Wiki
page,, with your ideas. Here are
some things to keep in mind ...

Preference will be given to students who have shown initiative
within the community by, for example, submitting bugs & patches or
helping others on IRC. So if you're keen and new to Bazaar, now is
a great time to start doing this. :-)

The other important thing to keep in mind is project scope. It's
easy to suggest something "interesting" but harder to suggest
something of the right size. We're happy to help students in this
regard, i.e. submit something and we can work with you to re-scope
it if necessary.

Ian C.

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