Integrating from multiple unrelated branches

Wesley J. Landaker wjl at
Sat Mar 7 03:36:39 GMT 2009

On Thursday 05 March 2009 08:22:05 John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Unfortunately, it sounds like with multiple imports of the original
> source, you end up with different file ids.
> We have some specs talking about being able to 'join' or 'split'
> file-ids, so that you can track copies or merges like this (you can
> search for 'path tokens', IIRC), but nothing that has been implemented.

Alright, I guess what I'm hearing is that I'm not just missing something -- 
I just really can't do what I'm trying to do with bzr. So sad. =(

> Which should allow bzr to match the file-ids in your newly created
> tarball branch with the file-ids used by the 3rd-party tree. Obviously
> that starts to break again if there is a 4th party with yet-another set
> of file-ids. (Which is why we would like to have "path-tokens", but
> haven't yet implemented them.)

Unfortunately, in the situations where this comes up often (working with 
code that's been forked a lot by many parties) there isn't any good way to 
use that kind of workaround. This happens quite a bit for me when I'm 
working with various upstream + distro packaging versions of open source 
software. I've also ran into this problem quite a bit when trying to use 
bzr while interfacing with "legacy" commercial situations like multiple 
people having multiple versions of code in their own e.g. CVS repositories, 
and sharing updates by e-mailing files around. It just seems like bzr is so 
powerful it OUGHT to be able to do what I want, but I can quite get it to 
yet ... 

Well, I'm currently using various workarounds (some involving other VCSs, 
like bouncing things through Subversion or git, etc, others involving just 
manually using diff+patch/merge or quilt on top of bzr), but nothing 
totally satisfactory yet.

I'm happy to at least hear that it's on the roadmap!

Wesley J. Landaker <wjl at> <xmpp:wjl at>
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