Backwards compatibility of the 'authors' revision property?

Matt Nordhoff mnordhoff at
Fri Mar 6 10:21:32 GMT 2009

Ben Finney wrote:
> Matt Nordhoff <mnordhoff at> writes:
>> (Disclaimer: I haven't actually tested this. I just glanced at the code.)
>> When the 'authors' revision property was added, ISTM it was changed so
>> that new revisions will only ever have the 'authors' revprop, and no
>> 'author' revprop. This is bad for interacting with older clients, isn't
>> it? They'll only miss a bit of information in "bzr log", but still.
> Yes, that would be bad. My understanding was that there will still be
> a single-person ‘author’ property set on every revision, so that tools
> requiring the concept of “single person who owns this revision”
> still have it. Is that not the case?

The new code's answer to the "single person who owns this revision"
problem is to just pick the first person in the list of authors. It's
not perfect, but it's simple and works.

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