Separator for multiple authors on command lines (was: Can we separate authors with ; instead of \n please?)

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Fri Mar 6 00:34:22 GMT 2009

ian.clatworthy at writes:

> With this in mind, I'm wondering whether it would make searching
> authors easier if they were separated by ; instead of a newline
> internally.

A semicolon would cause problems with command-lines; ‘;’ is a command

Perhaps comma (‘,’) is better as a delimiter, since it's such a common
delimiter for other multi-value arguments on command lines.

 \        “With Lisp or Forth, a master programmer has unlimited power |
  `\     and expressiveness. With Python, even a regular guy can reach |
_o__)                               for the stars.” —Raymond Hettinger |
Ben Finney

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