Help with gatekeeper workflow.
Eric Berry
elberry at
Thu Mar 5 21:43:55 GMT 2009
Hi Kent,
Which is a bummer, since it means you still need a public branch if you
> want to propagate tags, and you need to merge manually, not with a
> merge-directive.
It is a bummer. I wish the merge directive did propagate tags, but this is
still a very useful feature regardless.
> That's weird. I tried 'bzr merge <local branch>' and that does
> propagate the tags for me. That is using both bzr 1.12 and
> Exactly how are you testing?
You are correct, I must have done something wrong. My entire session is
attached (80 lines or so, didn't want to paste it here). This session worked
fine, but whatever I did yesterday didn't propagate the tags - if I can
recreate it, I'll send another email about it. :)
Basically, I've created a central repository - with two users each having
their own branch. User1 acts like a gatekeeper and has write access to the
central repo. User2 acts like the new guy and only has read access to the
repo. User2 makes changes, and commits them. I'm planning on using the send
method to propagate User2's changes into User1's local branch. User1 will
then push the changes upwards to the central repo.
The fact that send doesn't propagate tags is ok for my purposes since I
don't see User2 creating many tags, and User1 will most likely tag his
branch before merging, and perhaps tag after he merges before pushing the
changes upwards. Those tags are more important in my eyes than User2's local
tags, but hopefully the send method will someday propagate the tags as well.
> > Are tags supposed to be transferred with a merge?
> >
> As I understand it, tags should be propagated by branch, push, pull and
> merge.
> The branch is a straight copy, since the destination is being created
> from scratch. The others do a merge of the source tags with the
> destination tags, with the destination taking precedence if there are
> any conflicts.
> If you use the --overwrite option on push or pull then the source tags
> get precedence instead.
> Cheers,
> Kent.
:) Cool, thanks for the tip.
Cheers, and thanks so much for all the help!
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bigpot:bzr eberry$ bzr init MyProject
Standalone tree (format: pack-0.92)
branch root: MyProject
bigpot:bzr eberry$ cd MyProject/
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ touch build.xml license.txt
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr add
added build.xml
added license.txt
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr ci -m "initial import"
Committing to: /Users/eberry/development/demo/bzr/MyProject/
added build.xml
added license.txt
Committed revision 1.
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ cd ..
bigpot:bzr eberry$ mkdir -p workspaces/{bob,joe}
bigpot:bzr eberry$ cd workspaces/bob/
bigpot:bob eberry$ bzr branch ../../MyProject
Branched 1 revision(s).
bigpot:bob eberry$ cd ../joe/
bigpot:joe eberry$ bzr branch ../../MyProject
Branched 1 revision(s).
bigpot:joe eberry$ cd MyProject/
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ echo "license" > license.txt
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr ci -m "Updating license"
Committing to: /Users/eberry/development/demo/bzr/workspaces/joe/MyProject/
modified license.txt
Committed revision 2.
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr tag joes-tag
Created tag joes-tag.
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr ci -m "creating joes tag"
Committing to: /Users/eberry/development/demo/bzr/workspaces/joe/MyProject/
aborting commit write group: PointlessCommit(No changes to commit)
bzr: ERROR: no changes to commit. use --unchanged to commit anyhow
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ cd ../../bob/MyProject
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ ls build.xml license.txt
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr merge ../../joe/MyProject
M license.txt
All changes applied successfully.
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr ci -m "Merging Joes Changes"
Committing to: /Users/eberry/development/demo/bzr/workspaces/bob/MyProject/
modified license.txt
Committed revision 2.
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr tags
joes-tag 1.1.1
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ cd ../../joe/MyProject/
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr tag joes-tag2
Created tag joes-tag2.
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr ci -m "Creating second tag"
Committing to: /Users/eberry/development/demo/bzr/workspaces/joe/MyProject/
aborting commit write group: PointlessCommit(No changes to commit)
bzr: ERROR: no changes to commit. use --unchanged to commit anyhow
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ cd ../../bob/MyProject/
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr merge ../../joe/MyProject
Nothing to do.
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr tags
joes-tag 1.1.1
joes-tag2 1.1.1
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ cd ../../joe/MyProject/
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr tag joes-tag3
Created tag joes-tag3.
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr status
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr tags
joes-tag 2
joes-tag2 2
joes-tag3 2
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ cd ../../bob/MyProject/
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr merge ../../joe/MyProject
Nothing to do.
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr ci -m "Merging Joes Changes again"
Committing to: /Users/eberry/development/demo/bzr/workspaces/bob/MyProject/
aborting commit write group: PointlessCommit(No changes to commit)
bzr: ERROR: no changes to commit. use --unchanged to commit anyhow
bigpot:MyProject eberry$ bzr tags
joes-tag 1.1.1
joes-tag2 1.1.1
joes-tag3 1.1.1
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