[PATCH] AuthenticationConfig patch to provide expected keys to credential store plug-ins

Jean-Francois Roy bahamut at macstorm.org
Thu Mar 5 18:50:53 GMT 2009

Credential store plug-ins require a certain amount of information to  
be able to operate, specifically the username, hostname, port, path  
and http realm. However, AuthenticationConfig did not send most of  
that information, and instead simply included the username, password  
and authentication section name, severely limiting the capability of  
credential stores.

In addition, the netrc credential store plug-in as well as its tests  
are designed under the assumption the credentials dictionary will  
contain a "host" key, when it fact this would never be the case. In  
other words, without this patch, the netrc credential store plug-in  
bundled with Bazaar is inoperative.

Relevant tests have been updated and no regressions were introduced.  
The NEWS file has also been updated.

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