[MERGE] Cause 32 less test skips, take 2: cloning_metadir RPC support for branch refs

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Mar 5 15:12:35 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> Unfortunately for me, Robert's BzrDir.cloning_metadir RPC landed before my
> patch to reduce test skips.  It turns out that Robert's branch breaks some
> of the tests I re-enabled!  The BzrDir.cloning_metadir RPC was failing on
> the server-side if the branch in a bzrdir was actually a branch reference.
> This patch fixes that, by extending the return value of the RPC slightly to
> be able to distinguish between “the branch format of the cloning metadir is
> X” and “the branch here is a branch reference, so here's the referenced URL
> and you can go ask it for the cloning metadir branch format.”
> I'm not completely sure this is a great interface, but it is sufficient for
> the client to cope with branch references without resorting to the VFS
> fallback logic.
> So here's the updated patch.  The test_bzrdir.py changes are the same as
> before I think, but obvious the RPC changes are new.
> -Andrew.

So this changes the RPC, but you feel it is okay becuase it hasn't been
in bzr.dev for very long?

So my primary concern is RPC compatibility, but as long as it hasn't
"leaked into the wild" yet:


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