command to list all files in a certain directory that I have under bazaar's version control
Rahul Nabar
rpnabar at
Tue Mar 3 17:54:57 GMT 2009
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Rahul Nabar <rpnabar at> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 12:59 AM, Marius Kruger <amanic at> wrote:
>> 2009/3/3 Robert Collins <robert.collins at>:
>> bzr ls --non-recursive --versioned
> This is exactly what I need!
> Wow. It is sort of hard to figure out. Thanks guys!
> --
> Rahul
Just as an extension I tried
bzr status --non-recursive --versioned
Doesn't work (as designed, of course. I did read the help options!)
But is there an analogous expression. The "bzr ls --non-recursive
--versioned" does give me a nice list but has no indication of the
file statuses. i.e. which ones are modified and which are current.
I even tried "bzr ls --non-recursive --versioned -v" with high hopes
in the "verbosity" option. Unfortunately it just lists a pretty
redundant "V" descriptor (of course I asked for --versioned so they
are all of the type "V").
V Function1.sql
V Function2.sql
V Function3.sql
V Procedure1.sql
A simple "bzr status" is no use since there is an information overload
about files everywhere in the filesystem when all I am interested is
in a certain folder.
Any workarounds? I know it is only a minor thing but from past
experience bazaar always has some nice work flow-friendly tidbits
stashed away as if the developers thought ahead of everything! But I
just need to be persistent and find them! :)
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