Making a .deb for a python program in a bzr repository

Lionel Dricot zeploum at
Mon Mar 2 08:23:36 GMT 2009

After 2 days of intense pain, I've finally have a debian package working.
But what I do currently is :

- to have my sources with a in my trunk
- having a second repository only for the debian directory

When I want to make a deb package, I have to :

1) Make a tar.gz with python sdist
2) Extract this tar.gz in a new place
3) Branch my repository which contains the debian directory into the
extracted tar.gz
4) Modify by hand the debian/changelog file
5) Rename the extracted folder to include the version number
6) launch dpkg-buildpackage

I guess it's clearly not an optimal process. Can anybody explain me what bzr
builddeb is supposed to do and where it can help me in this process ?

And what about autoppa ? I didn't knew it and I don't really understand what
it does more than dput.

Thanks a lot for your help ?

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 3:23 AM, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:

> 2009/2/28 Lionel Dricot <zeploum at>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've a python program who consists of several modules but without any
> > The whole application is hosted and developed with bzr on
> > launchpad.
> > ( )
> >
> > I now want to make it available on a PPA.
> >
> > I've never done a .deb package before and after reading howtos, it
> appears
> > that there are a lot of different ways of doing things and they are all
> very
> > complicated at first glance.
> >
> > I know that stuff like bzr builddeb and PPA scripts exist but I've no
> idea
> > how I can use them but as I'm using bzr/python/launchpad, I want to
> choose
> > the easiest and most integrated way of doing this work to avoid as much
> as
> > possible repetitive actions each time I want to make a new release.
> >
> > So, what are your advices, your links, your personnal tricks ?
> So, I agree it's pretty complex to start from scratch, and even things
> like bzr builddeb and autoppa tend to rely on you already having this
> packaged.  A lot of the complexity is because of infrastructure
> inherited from Debian, which is dealing with many different programs,
> with different approaches tried by different people over many years.
> Probably the best advice is to read
> and then ask in
> #ubuntu-motu or #bzr, or here with more specific questions.
> --
> Martin < <>>
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