More svn imports

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Sat Feb 28 13:04:12 GMT 2009

Hi Patrick,

On Sat, 2009-02-28 at 17:22 +1300, Patrick van der Velde wrote:
> I'm at it again. I'm trying to import from a svn repo but this time
> I'm trying to grab the first 400ish revisions. I've created a
> repository at the base directory for this import and then I try to
> create a branch from the subversion repository.
Are you trying to import a single branch or multiple branches? If you're
just importing a single branch, use "bzr branch ..." not "bzr

> The command line I use is:
> bzr svn-import svn://localhost/SourceCode trunk --until==419
There's one = too much in --until.


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