bzr-gtk vs. QBzr

David Ingamells david.ingamells at
Thu Feb 26 12:16:51 GMT 2009

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Stephen J. Turnbull ??????????:
>> Karl Fogel writes:
>>  > "Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at> writes:
>>  > > Not morally better in principle, but certainly strong evidence in VCS
>>  > > practice.  Suppose Colin is correct that the members of his team don't
>>  > > know how to diff or revert.  
>>  > 
>>  > I thought he was just saying they don't know how to find those commands
>>  > in the command-line version.
>> Well, whatever he meant, I think the point stands:  if gitk can do all
>> this stuff, then Bazaar ought to be able to go it one better with more
>> integration of GUI to VCS ... but it doesn't (yet).
>> I'm suggesting that once a couple of big performance enhancements
>> land, it's time to go look at making one or more GUIs first-class
>> members of the Bazaar family.  (Maybe around 1.16?)
>> For example, the tree display should be *active*; you should be able
>> to click button2 on a merge and hide/show the subsidiary branch.  You
>> should be able to drag a commit onto another commit and get a merge,
>> or maybe a diff.  Dragging a head onto one of its ancestors should
>> revert.
> Interesting ideas, thanks.
If you want to get really clever with history, have a look at what 
recent versions
of Photoshop (e.g. CS2..4) can do with history:

    * A history window with a slider to quickly move backwards and
      forwards through your history.
    * A history brush so that you can 'paint' back to an older revision.
    * Masks so that the history brush only can affect selected files.

Obviously the photographic image editing paradigm is very different, but 
some of the ideas they've had could migrate nicely to a GUI supporting 
the cms paradigm.

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