bzr-gtk vs. QBzr

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Thu Feb 26 01:26:45 GMT 2009

Alexander Belchenko writes:

 > IIUC git can show you "remote" branches only because it holds the
 > copy of them locally.  AFAIK it can't show log directly from
 > server, as bzr does. It should mirror them first.  (May be I'm
 > wrong here but I don't think so.)

That's correct.  gitk (which is a separate program) operates on the
local cache, it knows nothing about svn or cvs (at least the one
distributed with git 1.5.x didn't, I haven't looked at the code since

 > You can get the same effect with bzr if you regularly mirror remote
 > branches to your shared repo.

That should work (but I believe git-svn does this automatically on any
access to the svn repo).

 > Or if you explicitly specify remote branch url in command line for
 > qlog.

That doesn't.  One wants "$vcs visualize-dag --all" to automatically
pick up all branches the "$vcs-svn" is aware of.

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