OOo import in development5-subtree available

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Wed Feb 25 12:22:35 GMT 2009

Over the last two days, I (or rather, my desktop machine) have been busy
importing the source code from Subversion into Bazaar
using the development5-subtree format provided by the experimental
brisbane-core bzr branch. This has also resulted in a couple of
performance improvements in bzr-svn.

As I've already mentioned in a couple of places, the brisbane-core
formats are a huge improvement over the 1.9 formats (at least ten
times). In the case of the inventories are quite large,
and so there's a fair amount of time to be won when storing new
inventories. I'm looking forward to seeing this land in!

The import is available from here:

The mainline has a stunning 262428 revisions in it, so ideal for
performance testing ;-)

Ian's revnocache plugin helps significantly in making this branch
usable; without it "bzr log" has a long startup time (>100s), and
without it, there is no noticable startup time at all (< 1s).

My import was made using the 0.5 branch of bzr-svn and a somewhat hacked
up copy of the brisbane-core branch, merging some of my pending patches
for A copy of this branch is available here:

Of course, you can keep this mirror up to date by pulling from ooo svn:

$ bzr pull svn://

This is a bit slow at the moment - the actual revision fetching is
pretty quick, but determining the tags takes a significant amount of
time. I hope to fix this before 0.5.3.


Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> -
Jabber: jelmer at
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