[MERGE] Changed diff filename from *.diff to *_diff.txt to make it easier to open on Windows.

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Feb 25 01:25:53 GMT 2009

Alexander Belchenko пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko пишет:
>> Alexander Belchenko пишет:
>>> Mark Hammond пишет:
>>>> On 25/02/2009 9:38 AM, Gary van der Merwe wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Mark Hammond<skippy.hammond at gmail.com>
>>>>>> What *is* the usual approach for qbzr?  If we don't have a .diff viewer,
>>>>>> then there doesn't seem to be anything useful we can to the
>>>>>> .diff/.patch/.bundle extensions at install time?
>>>>> * We could should the revisions in the bundle, against the branch you
>>>>> are going to merge in qlog (something that qmerge should be doing.)
>>> I guess Gary means: "we could show..." (s/should/show)
>>>>> * We could show a diff based on the revision data in the bundle, not
>>>>> the patch text.
>>>> I think these would be a little confusing; I don't even quite understand
>>>> from the descriptions exactly how what I would see relates directly to
>>>> the file I clicked on :)
>>> We have to implement new q-command to show colored unidiff. We already has
>>> all basic GUI, just need to implement parser of diff files to get the info
>>> we need.
>> Well, actually we can simply highlight lines starting with + - and =
>> and don't parse the diff, if we won't try to show side-by-side view.
> Continue talking to myself: we have qcat as simple file viewer implementation.
> We're using Pygments library to highlight syntax. I guess this lib should
> support diff files highlighting. It should be easy enough to hack something
> like qviewer to check this idea. Code lives in lib/cat.py.

One more time: it seems Gary has refactored QBzrCatWindow a lot and added throbber there.
So one have to subclass it to avoid unnecessary opening the branch etc.
It's still should be easy, but it's not 5 minutes hack, so...

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